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King Penguin Blog

King Penguin Spotify: Spring Darty Playlist

King Penguin Spring Darty Spotify Cover

Sky's out, thighs out! The weather is finally starting to warm up for real, and that means one thing: It's time to party! OK, it means a bunch of things, but that's what we're most looking forward to. The day party (or darty) is an art-form in itself, and there are few things more satisfying than pulling off a perfect afternoon of drinking. One key to any good day-drinking affair is a great playlist, and lucky for you, King Penguin has that covered.

Our Spring Darty playlist is eclectic, and covers any possible mood and genre you might want to hear while hanging out in the sun with your pals. Want to take a time machine back to the 70's? Just turn on "Spill the Wine." Maybe you'd prefer a little early-aughts hip-hop, in which case Scarface has you covered. Whatever you're feeling, it's on there. So call your friends, crack a beer, and press play, because it's time to darty.


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